Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Test Video

Monday, March 07, 2005

Just Another Manic Monday

Test on Wednesday in Asian Politics class and test on Thursday in Political Parties class. You also have a Spanish assignment over a movie due on Wednesday.

Make good use of your time at work today. So far this Monday has been busy but very nice and relaxing, don't ruin the rest of the week by procrastinating today!

7:00 - Do whatever. Add some products to site, update blog, send HOR emails.
8:00 - Make a study guide for Asian Politics class.
9:00 - Make a study guide for Political Parties class.
10:00 - Study and read Asian Politics
11:00 - Study and read Political Parties
12:00 - Go to the gym and get ripped. Today: 15 min intense run, followed by 45 min of chest, bicepts & tricepts

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


To do list for This wednesday @ work:

6:00 - Do whatever. Finish off all business emails and send email to Lexxicon telling them order system is acting up. Update Financial blog w/ Robert Sek
7:00 - Continue writing Politcal Parties paper
8:00 - Continue writing Politcal Parties paper
9:00 - Review Int'l Asia class and create a review
10:00 - Continue writing Politcal Parties paper
11:00 - Print out Political Parties paper and use the remainder of time to study for your INT'L ASIA TEST TOMMORROW!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Oye! You better not waste ANY TIME!

It's 9:50pm on Tuesday right now. You have to accomplish the following within the next two days:

Tuesday Night (now)
-Have at least a single-spaced page and a half of the political parties paper done before work ends.
-Work out. You are starting to see great results, now maintain them! BRISK running.
-Somehow study for the Spanish quiz tommorrow morning.
-Get in a quick overview of Int'l Relations tonight. This way it isn't new material on Wednesday.

-Spanish quiz. You MUST do well because you failed the last test.
-Study Int'l relations with Kim from 12:00pm till 1:00 pm during your break.
-Pickup Cyra from airport?
-Completely finish Political Parties Paper.

-Political Parties take home exam due today.
-Int'l Relations test in the morning!
-Once you're done with those, start working on Business Ettiquette article.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Test and Test and Test Oh mY!

Ok, Nev. You've got 3 tests:

  • Spanish on Friday
  • Marketing on Monday
  • Politcal Parties take-home test due next Thursday.

You've got 6 hours at work, use it wisely:

6:00 - Do whatever. Prepare materials for studying

7:00 - Study Spanish Vocab and Grammar. Prepare a study sheet. Test in TWO DAYS!

8:00 - Study marketing and make a study sheet

9:00 - Pick which prompt to use for Political Parties and read the relevant chapter.

10:00 - Begin writing the basic elements of the Political Parties paper

11:00 - Study Spanish till closing time. Know all that vocab, do-over the practice test!

12:00 - Drink that Red Bull and hit up the gym till it closes.

Test and Test and Test Oh mY!

Ok, Nev. You've got 3 tests:

  • Spanish on Friday
  • Marketing on Monday
  • Politcal Parties take-home test due next Thursday.

You've got 6 hours at work, use it wisely:

6:00 - Do whatever. Prepare materials for studying

7:00 - Study Spanish Vocab and Grammar. Prepare a study sheet. Test in TWO DAYS!

8:00 - Study marketing and make a study sheet

9:00 - Pick which prompt to use for Political Parties and read the relevant chapter.

10:00 - Begin writing the basic elements of the Political Parties paper

11:00 - Study Spanish till closing time. Know all that vocab, do-over the practice test!

12:00 - Drink that Red Bull and hit up the gym till it closes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Agenda for the Day:
6:00 - Do whatever.
7:00 - Read Political Parties chapters.
8:00 - Study for Spanish, do homework and new material. Write Subunctive in notebook.
9:00 - Put together personal resume and update Neville1
10:00 - Review both Marketing and Int'l Asia
11:00 - Post TimberTrace on Ebay and email Fred
12:00 - Go to the gym. 20 min run, 20 min upper body.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Thursday Night

8:00pm - Whatever
9:00pm - Do Spanish vocab & review for tommorrow's class
10:00pm - update resume &
11:00pm - Work on article
12:00om - Gym

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